Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 20, 2011

The year was 2006 a year filled with surprises, good and bad. Have you ever noticed when God is answering prayers the enemy is right behind Him, trying to take a bite out of your heel.  No kidding that happened to me! A dog bit me in the heel while showing houses.LOL The same is with that ugly, ugly serpent that rears his head.  Our daughter becoming engaged and my daddy disowning his child.  He had allowed greed to set in and me to question his relationship with God.

After years of praying for a Godly man to come in our daughters life, the prayer was answered. She became engaged in September of 2006 and we started to plan a wedding for March 2007. Who wouldn't have been happy when such exciting things were going on. If only I knew how exciting and what to expect.  Things were going great in real estate and with Mike building houses we were planning and going on mission trips. God was so blessing us.   Exciting and sad all at the same time. Wait, did you hear in this that we where not being good stewards. I thought that is what you heard me say. Somewhere back we lost the connection with God.  He didn't lose it with us we did with Him.

Mike and I were running into two different directions. He was running toward the world and I was running as far as I could to get away from it.  I had a broken relationship with my daddy that I needed God to heal. We also had a daughter getting married and wanted God to be the center of their lives.  Do you know what it feels like to play "tug of war"?  That was the game Mike and I were playing.  I just wasn't strong enough to pull him over the line. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Would I Do It Again?

Romans 7:15
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Romans 7:19
For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.

These scriptures are so true, sin is the most and strongest addiction of the world. Have you ever noticed that when you're involved in sin, you want to stop you but just don't know how.  The temptation outweighs your rationalizing.

The good news is that we serve an amazing God who is forgiving and full grace and mercy.  I have experienced so much of His forgiveness and grace over the past years.  There is no love greater than the love that God has for us.  In this, I am forever grateful and can truly say I am deeply in love with Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.

I bet you wonder why I titled my blog "Would I do it again".  Would I marry my husband again after he confessed to an adultress affair?  Wow what a kick in the stomach that was.  It was three and a half years ago that he confessed and today I can tell the story.

First and foremost I would like everyone of you to know that I am not placing blame on him, even though he crossed the line.  It takes two to tango, and I wasn't in the mood for dancing.  We had so much going on in our lives that I didn't have time to give to him. BIG MISTAKE as Julia Roberts would say on Pretty Woman! Going back now I can see he so tried to get my attention and I just ignored him thinking our day will come when we become empty nesters.

The enemy didn't want to wait, he wanted to go ahead and throw his flaming arrow, where I thought our marriage was fireproof.  I know because those words came out of my mouth, which I was reminded later. I ate crow, which didn't taste too well.

Well today we still have a family at home.  The line of communication is direct connect. 

More to come!