Monday, July 4, 2011


"No act of service is insignificant when done for the most significant purpose in the universe: proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ." - Pastor Steven Furtick 
We were serving in our home church and had been for the past fifteen years.  We were so involved in our youth group, media and etc. Where ever they needed us we felt we should serve.   On one of our many Mexico Missions we came up as a group with a statement that we would live by. "Whatever it takes and then some".  
Four years ago, we began our journey to fight for our marriage we did and won by the grace of God.  We had left our home church for no other reason than God was moving us into a different direction.  We obeyed and began seeking out another home church.  We attended a VERY large church just to go and not be seen or heard.  We just needed the word and to worship together with a focus on God.  This went on for three years back and forth.  One year ago Mike ask if we wanted to move our membership and join.  I ask him to please let us pray and ask God to show us.  You know I need God to bang me over the head and to make sure the door is closed before I get it!  We attended our home church the next couple of weeks only to find out that they had ask our Pastor (Friend and Brother) to resign for NO moral or ethical reason. What a man of God and today he is serving God as they have planted a church. Praise God!  We attended our home church that Sunday and we both knew that God had closed the door on our home church but not on our friends.  We left behind friends that had become like family to us.  We love them dearly and still stay in touch with many.
He then open the door for our new church home that we attend today.
This is going to be great attending, tithing and just attending church. Until we attended the services and we saw people worshiping our God and the word being taught.   Then we attended classes explaining the different ministry opportunities.  Curiosity kills a cat and it was killing us we wanted to know what made this church different from others. We went through these classes with open minds and praying with each other. We did find out what's different God is leading this church and not man.  On the last class we joined and signed up to serve in different areas.  We both know that God has called all of us to serve where ever that might be.  We are His disciples and have been called by Him.
God has a sense of humor, because I can say, I wasn't going to do more than I signed up for.  Remember in a large church the mentality is that no one will notice you so therefore you don't have to worry about getting out of your comfort zone.  I can say people may not notice but God does.  He had given us four years of getting our lives  back together and teaching us what it means to be a true disciple.  
One week ago I was ask to help to be a one of the team leaders in the area of HK check in where I'm serving.  I thought how humbling this is but I wasn't worthy to be there.  Mike and I prayed about it and I accepted.  I have been laughing because I know God is looking down and laughing at me.  What a sense of humor He has.  But most of all what a honor and humbling experience to serve with others again.  God has been faithful to His word. Mike is now serving on the tech squad and loving every minute of it.  I will say as a proud wife he's doing a great job and committed as I am.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
 God hasn't called us to sit back and relax and do nothing.  He will give us a break and sometimes that is soooo needed to allow God to draw us closer to Him.  He gave us four years and there is not a time limit only God's perfect timing.
Romans 13:11                                                                                                                                                                                                        And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 

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